Privacy Policy of NO JAM. and Day Forest Limited

We are committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of our customers. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your personal information when you visit our boutique or website.

1. Collection of Personal Information 收集個人信息

- We may collect personal information such as your name, contact details, address, and payment information when you make a purchase or register for an account with us.
- We may also collect information about your preferences and shopping habits to enhance your shopping experience.
- 當您購買商品或在我們註冊賬戶時,我們可能會收集您的姓名、聯繫方式、地址和付款信息等個人信息。

- 我們也可能收集關於您偏好和購物習慣的信息,以提升您的購物體驗。

2. Use of Personal Information 使用個人信息:
- We use the personal information collected to process your orders, provide customer service, and communicate with you about promotions, events, and updates.
- Your information may also be used for internal analysis and marketing purposes.

- 我們使用收集到的個人信息來處理您的訂單、提供客戶服務以及與您溝通促銷活動、活動和更新信息。
- 您的信息也可能用於內部分析和營銷目的。

3. Disclosure of Personal Information 披露個人信息:
- We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to third parties.
- Your information may be shared with our trusted service providers for order processing, delivery, and payment processing purposes.
 - 我們不會將您的個人信息出售、交易或出租給第三方。
- 您的信息可能會與我們信任的服務提供商分享,用於訂單處理、交付和付款處理等目的。

4. Protection of Personal Information 保護個人信息:
- We take reasonable measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
- Your information is stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel.
- 我們採取合理措施保護您的個人信息,防止未經授權的訪問、披露、更改或破壞。
- 您的信息將安全存儲,並且僅可被授權人員訪問。

5. Consent and Opt-Out 同意和選擇退出:
- By providing your personal information to us, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of that information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.
- You may opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us by contacting our customer service.
- 通過向我們提供您的個人信息,您同意按照本隱私政策概述的方式收集、使用和披露該信息。
- 您可以通過聯繫我們的客戶服務選擇退出接收我們的營銷通訊。

6. Access and Correction 訪問和更正:
- You have the right to access and correct your personal information held by us. You may contact us to update or delete your information.
- 您有權訪問並更正我們持有的您的個人信息。您可以聯繫我們更新或刪除您的信息。

7. Changes to Privacy Policy 隱私政策變更:
- We reserve the right to update and revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be posted on our website.
- 我們保留隨時更新和修訂本隱私政策的權利。任何更改將在我們的網站上發佈。

By continuing to use our services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at
繼續使用我們的服務即表示您同意本隱私政策的條款。如果您對我們的隱私做法有任何問題或疑慮,請聯繫我們 []。

Last updated:15/8/2024