1. 下單後不設更改、取消及退款 。
No changes, cancellations, or refunds are allowed after placing an order.
2. 本店不設退貨, 包括任何主觀理由 ( 例如︰收到後顏色 / 款色不喜歡 ), 少量線頭輕微污點 均不接受為退貨理由。 Our store does not accept returns for any subjective reasons (e.g. not liking the color/style after receiving it),
or for minor imperfections such as loose threads or slight stains.
3. 換碼如客人收貨試身後認為碼數不合身,可享一次換碼服務。 ****** 只限有分碼數的商品,均碼貨品則不設退換。
Size Exchange : If a customer finds that the size is not suitable after receiving the goods, they can enjoy a one-time size exchange service.
This service is only applicable to items with different sizes, not for items with the same size.
4. 漏發或發錯網上訂單如有漏發,發錯款色或顏色之情況, 請於收貨後7天內聯絡客服跟進換貨或補發,本店收到通知後, 會於1至3個工作天內處理,並承擔顧客退回及重新發貨的運費,請耐心等候。
Missing or Wrong Items: In the event of missing items, wrong items, or wrong colors in online orders, please contact customer service within 7 days of receiving the goods for exchange or re-delivery. Our store will handle it within 1 to 3 working days and bear the cost of return and re-delivery. Please be patient.
5. 所有貨品問題於收貨7天後才通知客服則不獲處理,敬請留意 。****** 如有 3 - 4 項情形,請確保貨品為原狀況及包裝,並寄回門市或親身到門市退還。
****** 如有任何人為因素而產生的破壞, 如:污跡、染色、磨損、破洞,撕破 或經洗滌,有改衣等情況, 換貨將不獲受理。
₁ 請 Whatsapp ☏ 67341465 ☏ 聯絡客服, 列出漏發、錯款或錯色的貨品及數量,另附上照片作證明。
₂ 客服回覆顧客及受理申請後︰ 請顧客使用順豐速運 ( SF EXPRESS ) 到付服務,寄回問題貨品到客服提供的指定地址。
Any issues with the goods must be reported to customer service within 7 days of receipt, otherwise they will not be processed.
If there are 3-4 situations, please ensure that the goods are in their original condition and packaging before returning them to the store. Exchanges will not be accepted if there is any damage caused by human factors, such as stains, dyeing, wear and tear, tears, alterations, etc.
6. 預購缺貨安排如訂單內預購貨品斷貨或其他原因導致無法為顧客於約定期內提供貨品,本店會主動聯絡客人退款,退款會以現金或根據付款方式退回。 款項到帳時間會因應平台, 銀行或機構而有所不同,最遲約14日內應會收到退款。
Pre-order Out of Stock Arrangement: If pre-ordered items in an order are out of stock or for other reasons cannot be provided to the customer within the agreed period, our store will proactively contact the customer for a refund. The refund will be made in cash or returned according to the payment method. The time for the refund to be credited will vary depending on the platform, bank, or institution, but should be received within approximately 14 days.